Saturday, June 21, 2008

Aimees Zoho Document

Aimee Maranto June 21, 2008


    This is Aimee's first Zoho document.  I'm not sure what else to type in my paragraph!  Below you will find out what I like about guinea pigs.


I love guinea pigs!


  1. cute
  2. cuddly
  3. vegetarian
  4. make funny noises
  5. can be potty-trained

yogurt dropswood blockswater

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Meerkatdon said...

Great comment about Zoho being useful to PTHs. I hadn't thought of that.

And I love both the picture and the subject of your paper. I'm a hamster lover, and guinea pigs is kinda like hamsters....

2blackdogs said...

I'm a rat lover (fancy rats). Like you rphot:)