Saturday, June 7, 2008

Twitters & Widgets

I can't see myself using these very much.

One way the twitter thing could be used for is for someone needing to give updates to a lot of people at once. For example, a pregnant woman who is past her due date could let people know each day that the baby did not come. Similar to CarePages, people could give updates to friends about how an operation went. However, I think email could serve these purposes just as well.


Meerkatdon said...

I just found this blog about a fellow who twitter-cast his child's birth.

I had to laugh at the line "I've long been wary of Twitter for its irresistible capacity to transform ordinary life into unpalatable streams of too much information."

hravan said...

Don's comment is so true. Once you start twittering, you think, oh, I can twitter about this event, and now this event, and how can I make it kind of funny. Then you ask yourself: does anyone really care? Who am I talking to anyway? But it is fun anyway. My husband gets my tweets at work and vice versa.